1. kids all 3 crying at the dinner table when no one wants to eat what Daddy cooked
2. Sunday mornings when we are trying to get the trio ready for church (which starts at 8:30 am) and no one wants to wear what Mommy picked out
3. simultaneous melt-down at any time
4. three 2 1/2 year old kiddos who all want to sit in Mommy's lap at the same time
5. same three who don't want to stay in their beds at nap time
6. any attempt to leave the house without someone having a poopie diaper
And the list really goes on-an-on. When it gets really frustrating, Al just smiles and says to me "Job security!" See, when things are all nice and perfect, I start to think ... maybe I could do this stay-at-home Mom thing. Then the kiddos do something normal for 2 year olds and I think ... Nope! I'm crazy to think that I am cut out for staying at home.
Well ... today was just that sort of day! Daddy is sick. I mean really, really sick. Like Mommy called in to work sick because Daddy couldn't take care of the trio. So I have been with them all day ... pretty much by myself ... just like Daddy does every day.
Yesterday, the weather was perfect and Daddy took the kiddos to the zoo for a couple of hours. At dinner, the kids each told me all about it ... the animals they saw, how much fun they had, how much they love Daddy! And I started to think to myself ... Wow, this is getting easier and easier. Look at Daddy out having fun with them every day. I want to go to the zoo. After all, I was the wildlife biology major ...
Today, I take it all back. Bring on the 100+ emails per day, the back-to-back phone conferences, webinars and meenting, the projects, and even the payroll bank rec! All of that is CAKE compared to how challenging a day with triplets can be.
Don't get me wrong. I love my kiddos and all-in-all we had a great day today! But it is 10:15 pm, the van is still in the front and needs to be pulled into the garage. I just fed the dog. The kitchen is still a mess from dinner. I have birthday gifts to wrap for tomorrow. Clothes to wash, fold and put away ... and a whole list of things I thought I should have been able to get done today and just couldn't quite get to!
But we did have a good day! Of course, I did go the the YMCA ... how else is a girl going to get a shower with 3 little ones? So I had a little break in the morning. And they did take a 2 hour nap ... as did Mommy! But we had a nice dinner, went for a walk and even made a trip out to Target this evening.
And once again, I am overwhelmed with how good God has been to my family. I really do have the best husband and best father for my children ... Al amazes me every day.
Honey, I love you!