Tuesday, July 15, 2008

He is not a Christian is he?

OK, so for those of you waiting on updates about the trio, you will be disappointed this time ... or maybe not. But no update on the kids, no cute pictures, just the story of my lunch hour yesterday.

I went to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. While in the kid section looking for good deals on clothes, I overheard a conversation ... a one-sided conversation between a gentleman (and I use that term loosely) and his granddaughter. I'm not sure what had happened to set him off ... he must have accidentally bumped someone with his cart and upset them. But he was ranting and raving at his teenage granddaughter because she apologized to the person they hit. He kept saying it wasn't his fault and no one was going to talk to him like that and she shouldn't apologize to people like that, etc., etc., etc.

Obviously, the poor granddaughter was very embarassed by the whole situation. As we passed in the aisle, she looked at me and mouthed and apology for her grandfather. Anyone who knows me knows that I have a hard time holding my tounge in situations like this. But for some reason yesterday, I was a bit more reflective. I started thinking about what a poor example he was setting for his granddaughter. I think the main reason I find myself surrounded by rude, inconsiderate, lazy people is because their parents don't teach them any better. And in this case, their grandparents.

So I think about this for the next 10 minutes as I finish my shopping. And then the opportunity presents itself ... to talk to the girl, not her grandfather. We pass once again in the aisle ... and once again, she apologizes for his behavior. I simply smiled and told her not to dare apologize for his behavior. And then I said, "So, he is not a Christian is he?"

Imagine my utter jaw-dropping suprised reaction when she replied: "Actually, he is a priest."

I have been guilty in the past of behavior that would not lead people to think that I was a Christian. I don't want to be guilty of this in the future. I want my children to really be able to see Christ through me. I'm working on it ... but I still have a long way to go.

The girl told me that her Grandfather was the best thing in her life ... I left her with "No, God is the best thing in your life. And if you remember that, you will always be OK."

Now, if I can only remember to always follow my own advice. Advice ... the one area where it is so easy to give and so hard to take.



Kaitlin said...

Wow. What good thoughts before bed. It's true. Sometimes I wonder if I ever do things to make people question that.

Lynn Leaming said...

It is cool when you can have those God encounters. Wouldn't you like to know the end of the story and how God will use the words you spoke over that girl? I just had a conversation with someone today and asked them "do you think we ever get to the point where we don't have to think to act like Jesus but we are just transformed and we are like him?" One thing for sure it will never happen if we don't think about it like you did on this ocassion.

owldog90 said...

I am so happy God made it possible for you to have some words with her. It does show us, we are all human but we have to work hard at treating EVERYBODY like they are Jesus.

Leslie said...

Wow. Great post Quenta. You know, I can't help but wonder what the effects of his behavior will be on his grandaughter. Will she marry someone like him since she admires him so much? Will she unconciously behave like him sometimes? Myabe at least your example will always be with her to remind her not to accept this type of behavior, not even from a "good" person or someone she admires.

southernbrims5 said...

Ha ha!Cute story.
But Christians are humans so logically we dont behave perfectly all the time and if we did what would we write about on our blogs? Enjoy weird people, I do.